PRESident's volunteer service award
The most respected of volunteer award programs, the PVSA encourages through presidential recognition United States citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States to live a life of service.
KARMANT Learning is proud to be an official, registered certifying organization approved to review, verify and distribute one of the country's highest honors - presidential recognition of service.
Each volunteer who completes certain amount of hours throughout the calendar year in order to qualify. As a certifying organization, KARMANT Learning is able to verify and distribute awards for service. Please note, our PVSA service year runs from September 15th to September 14th each year. Please email info@karmantlearning.org for more information.
Award Eligibility
Any individual, family, or group can receive presidential recognition for volunteer hours earned over a 12-month period or over the course of a lifetime at home or abroad. The following are the eligibility requirements for each age group:
Kids: Age 5-10
Teens: Age 11-15
Young Adults: Age 16-25
Adults: Ages 26 +
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Criteria: Bronze Level
Kids: 26 - 49 hours
Teens: 50 - 74 hours
Young Adults: 100 - 174 hours
Adults: 100 - 249 hours
Family & Groups: 200 - 499 hours
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Criteria: Silver Level
Kids: 50 - 74 hours
Teens: 75 - 99 hours
Young Adults: 175 - 249 hours
Adults: 250 - 499 hours
Family & Groups: 500 - 999 hours
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Criteria: Gold Level
Kids: 75+ hours
Teens: 100 + hours
Young Adults: 250 + hours
Adults: 500 + hours
Family & Groups: 1,000 + hours